Tuesday, July 27, 2010

another fun outing with friends

Last week the kids and I went to the waterpark in SC with some friends from work. The day didn't start out so well. First, I was running about 10 minutes late. I hate being late and it just throws my whole day off but I had to stop and get gas or we wouldn't make it. So I pulled in to the gas station and went to take my gas cap off and the cap broke. By that point I was ticked off so I called the Land Rover dealership and I had to go and get them to replace it before I could even go. Well we finally made it and we had a wonderful time. There were 3 adults and 9 kids but it wasn't as stressful as I thought it was going to be. All the kids were wonderful and had a great time. The whole time all the adults were looking at each other giving a thumbs up sign or holding up fingers to show how many kids they had at the time. I think I counted to 9 about 1,000 times that day but I can't wait to do it again. Caroline was a little social butterfly. She was walking around talking to everyone and would even sit down beside some of the adults and play with their bracelets or just touch their arm. She was so cute and everyone was very tolerant of her being right there with them. All the kids love going down big slide but there wasn't nearly enough adults to be able to take them more than 1 time but they had just as much fun going down the small slides and just playing in the water.
I have no idea what Caroline was doing in this picture but she was sure having fun.
Just floating in the water. It was nice that they had places that shallow so the little kids could play.
Caroline and Liam playing.
Anthony had the best time. He can't wait to go back. We didn't get a lot of pictures of him because he just never stayed still long enough to get any.

Several of the kids playing.

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